Is your dog always on top of you? Touching you at all times? These are signs of hyperattachment, and that falls under the umbrella of separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is pretty well known, symptoms can include destructive behaviors, hypersalivation, panting like crazy, pacing, and more.
I have learned that the best way to combat these behaviors is :
• Have a REALISTIC EXPECTATION. If your dog is severely anxious, we can make small goals to work towards. But there will be no "magic pill" or easy fix. We will get better, but it will take dedication and time, and he/she may never be "normal." That's ok with me :)
• Identify your dogs triggers, what sets them off. Write them down and bring them in, and we can work on them.
• Often it takes a combination of anxiety meds and behavioral modifications to see real changes in your pet! We can plan to add little challenges in y'alls daily life (5 mins of obedience training a day for the first week, special puzzles and food-driven toys the next week), and add that to some medications that will be safe and have very rare side effects. This will increase your pet's chances of feeling better! Meds don't have to be used forever... often just for a while.
• Don't be scared of medications changing your pet's personality. We want them to be comfy and happy. When they are anxious they feel like a bear is chasing them. That's not what we want.
Call our office today to make a specialized "behavior appointment" for your pup and their needs. I've seen clients and patients make huge strides! Don't wait!